Handy Art 241020 Finger Paint Red - 16oz


Unit of measure: bottle
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Rich velvety texture paints with maximum color intensity for super vibrant artwork! Easy to clean up. Perfect for children. Washable Finger Paints are easier to clean up & launder. Paint Care Tips: 1. Always store paint in a cool, dry place. Extreme temperatures, such as freezing or above 120 degrees F, can cause pigment settling and viscosity changes that may make the paint unusable. Opened paint containers should be used within 6 months. Unopened paint containers may be stored for up to 2 years. If opened at the end of the shelf life (2 years), the paint should be used as quickly as possible. To prevent cross contamination of the paint, which may cause it to degrade and spoil, follow these steps: a. Pour amount of paint to be used into smaller, resealable containers. And be sure to use fresh water to clean your brushes when working out of the smaller containers. b. Do not pour used paint back into the original container. c. Do not dilute product in the original container. d. Do not dip brushes or other applicators into the original container. By following these steps, if contamination occurs, only a small amount of paint will be lost, not the entire container. Always be sure to close cap/lid tightly after each use and to permanently remove and dispose of any seal on the container or in the cap/lid.
Edmonton: 36